35 Mil

The cheapest min price on the market

+10% at 1TND

+10% Additional volume on Internet packages of Flexi 25GB, Flexi 42GB, Flexi 55GB, Xtra flexi

Gaming, VOD…

Free fire (50Shells), lords Mobile (1000Gems…), Artify (up to 7 days free)….

The first 100% digital offer in Tunisia! Take advantage of the cheapest rates on the market in addition to advantages
exclusive on your Internet packages, calls, Gaming, VOD, ….!


The cheapest rates to all operators: 35 millimes per minute and 25 millimes per SMS

The Simulator do

Compose your Internet and/or Call packages according to your needs, and take advantage of better validity, reduced rates, and many other advantages.

  • Generous internet packages: and valid for 60 days , exclusively for the greediest Do users
  • +10% Internet @ 1DT:

Simply subscribe to this option to enjoy 10% additional volume for 30 days on each package purchased of 25GB or more

Gaming Exclusives

3 new exclusive DoPlay packages to enjoy the game of your choice:

Doplay PackagesInternetGame advantages*Points ThanksPrice
DoPlay 300MB 300MB** 50 Shells(Freefire)
or 1000 Gems & 8H
speed up x3
(Lords Mobile)
or 60 UC(PUBG)
- 5DT
DoPlay 6GB 6GB*** 1000 20DT
DoPlay 10GB 10GB*** 1500 25DT
* Valid: 15 days
** Valid for 2 days
*** Valid for 30 days

VOD exclusives

4 new exclusive Doflix packages to take full advantage of video and sports streaming platforms:

Doflix packages*Internet**ValidityPrice
STARZ PLAY + Discovery Package 6GB 30d 23DT
STARZ PLAY + Discovery + UFC ARABIA Package 10GB 30d 35DT
STARZ PLAY + Discovery + UFC ARABIA Package 30GB 30d 45DT
*Doflix packages valid for 30 days
**Valid 30 days

Samma3ni Exclusives:

  • 1st free samma3ni registration for all new Do subscribers

100% digital assistance

the customer will only have to submit his request, on one of these channels: WhatsApp, Messenger, LiveChat on the app and website as well as the FAQ area dedicated to this purpose and will be taken care of in a timely manner record


Calls: 35 millimes per minute valid to all fixed and mobile operators.

SMS 25 millimes.

Billing increments: 1 minute.

Activation and follow-up

To switch to the Do offer, simply access the My Ooredoo mobile application and switch for free:



Just go to the My Ooredoo application under "Become Do" and change your offer for free Otherwise: you can buy a SIM Do which will allow you to take advantage of all the exceptional advantages, it's only on eshop ooredoo, it gives you will be delivered free of charge to your home.


Just go to the My Ooredoo application under "Become Do" and change your offer for free Otherwise: you can buy a SIM Do which will allow you to take advantage of all the exceptional advantages, it's only on eshop ooredoo, it gives you will be delivered free of charge to your home.


Only prepaid offers can change to the Do offer.

It's super simple: choose the Internet volume you want to buy (between 150 MB and 30 GB): the free call minutes will be displayed as well as the amount to be paid, you can do the same for voice if you want to simulate a volume of calls, you can have fun customizing your 'offer' according to your budget and discover freebies.


It's super simple: choose the Internet volume you want to buy (between 150 MB and 30 GB): the free call minutes will be displayed as well as the amount to be paid, you can do the same for voice if you want to simulate a volume of calls, you can have fun customizing your 'offer' according to your budget and discover freebies.

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It's super simple: choose the Internet volume you want to buy (between 150 MB and 30 GB): the free call minutes will be displayed as well as the amount to be paid, you can do the same for voice if you want to simulate a volume of calls, you can have fun customizing your 'offer' according to your budget and discover freebies.


The offer corresponds to the cheapest minute on the market around that there are also huge advantages and the best prices on all other services: the best prices and packages of entertainment content such as gaming, videos on demand, 10% Bonus on refills, double thank you points, exceptional discounts with many partners and all this only for Doers.

By choosing Do: you will have the best advantages among all Ooredoo offers

: Just choose the DoPlay Package of your choice. Once registered, the Internet package/Merci Points will be automatically paid. An SMS will be sent to you afterwards to select the game of your choice and receive the voucher to be used directly on the game

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