Stay connected, even when you run out of internet.

Send a free SMS Katjini to one of your relatives and ask them to offer you an Internet package.
Enjoy 5 free Katjini SMS every month.
Are you Amigos? You are entitled to 10 free Katjini SMS per month instead of 5!


Get offered an Internet package:
To send a Katjini SMS, just dial *124*phone number#.

Offer an Internet package:
To offer the 1-day Flexi Package, dial *124*124*correspondent number#.

You can also offer other Packages via the Kado-Net service by dialing *124#.

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Log in instead Or Reset password
Already have an account?
Log in instead Or Reset password
Already have an account?
Log in instead Or Reset password
Already have an account?
Log in instead Or Reset password